Caring Hands Humane Society

Caring hands humane society is an animal  care and shulter provider in the United States. Their mission is to educate people on animal care and make sure the prevention of animal cruelty. The CHHS believes that all animals should faire, humane and respectful treatment. There is another aspect to it that is creating a bond between animals and humans by raising awareness and providing people with primary animal care education.

So far their accomplishments include the creation of no-kill community. An animal shelter committed itself to provide health facilities to animals. They don’t kill treatable or healthy animals and provide them with a place of living even if space is full.

As per the stats in 2016 caring hands humane society achieved their target goals with an achievement rate of  90.42 %.The percentage got improved to 93.1% and 95.66%  in the year 2017  and 2018.

There was a time when things were difficult for Caring hands humane society. The only force that kept them moving forward was their generous donor's help. Some donors brought food, and some brought toys for animals. Some donors sponsored the transport fee for animal rescue. 

It proves little drops of water makes the mighty Ocean. The Caring hands humane society believes, they could have never achieved no-kill status without the community help. Also, the animals you helped can’t thank you so caring hands humane society thank all of you on their behalf.

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